- An introduction to the foundation of the Theology of the Body from the practical perspective.
- What it means to be a man and woman in the Family?
- What are the main goals of the Christian marriage and the meaning of marriage as the primordial sacrament?
- The marital promise- Prophetism of the body” and “Language of the body’.-How does the conjugal union between the husband and wife become an act of the Holy Trinity?
- How to explain Love vs lust in relationship, intimacy and conjugal love?
- What do Free, Faithful, Fruitful and Total mean in marriage? What is the spousal and redemptive meaning of love? What are the evil effects of abortion, contraception, sterilization, IVF etc.?(Humanae Vitae)
- How can we resolve differences, crisis, and conflicts in marriage?
- How to strengthen the relationship and communication skills between parents and children to create an open environment of sharing and learning at home.
- This will guide and train the participants to handle some of the hot-button issues of the culture like meaning and purpose of life, sex, sexuality, the dignity of human person, identity crisis, love, relationship, marriage, dating, cohabitation, pre-marital sex, homosexuality, same-sex union, pornography, contraception, abortion and chastity.
It consists of group discussions, interactive presentations, Talks, Music, Praise & Worship, Holy Rosary, Holy mass, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Adoration, Sharing, and Q & A sessions etc.
Pre-requisite: None