- An Introduction to the foundations of the Theology of the body from the practical perspective. Why do Theology of the Body the need of the time?
- How to create at home/in the class room an open environment for the children to share and discuss their problems and questions?
- How to give sexual education to children with age appropriate-presentation of the Theology of the Body?
- What is the man of concupiscence? Lust of the flesh, Lust of the eyes and Pride of life.
- How to teach the wonders of Catholicism from a Theology of the Body perspective?
- Human dignity & the Sacramentality of the Body.
- This will guide and train the participants to handle some of the hot-button issues of the culture like meaning and purpose of life, sex, sexuality, the dignity of human person, identity crisis, love, relationship, marriage, dating, cohabitation, pre-marital sex, homosexuality, same-sex union, pornography, contraception, abortion and chastity.
It consists of group discussions, interactive presentations, Talks, Music, Praise & Worship, Holy Rosary, Holy mass, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Adoration, Sharing, and Q & A sessions etc.
Pre-requisite: None